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  • Health Hacks 2

    Health Hacks 2

    Hacks 2 follows previous season’s objective of analyzing the folk remedies using Chinese, Western medical as well as nutritionists’ viewpoints. Many folk remedies have little medicinal basis but are widely deemed to be effective. The truth of these folk remedies awaits the experts to uncover.
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  • Healthy U

    Healthy U

    随着生活水平的不断提高,大众对饮食健康的需求也越来越高。 以倡导科学的饮食,合理的饮食理念,从而培养大众的科学营养观。 健康是一种生活方式,现在的疾病,大都是过去不当生活方式总体的体现,从改善饮食开始,每天关心身体,注意观察它的变化,它一定会逐渐改善。 不单是从饮食误区方面着手,会以现代人所面对的健康问题为重点。从现代人的身体警讯,认识基本的医药/疾病的常识,如何预防与面对,常保健康身体就没事。
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  • Home Away from Home

    Home Away from Home

    With personal experience of Singaporean celebrities or any ordinary individuals, we will bring out the cultural diversity of various countries. From the 4 aspects of Clothing , Food , Shelter , Transportation respectively , a“Survival Handbook” which offers great resources on the local cultures and details on settling in and thus a better understanding of the local culture. Basically a “Survival handbook” for living and working overseas, from the basic necessity of life, it is designed to provide newcomers with the practical information of the locals living habits and taboos. Comprehensive information for the audience to know the essentials of the society in a relaxing and direct approach.
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  • I Can Cook Too!

    I Can Cook Too!

    “I Can Cook Too!” is a kid’s programme which gives kids the opportunity to enter the kitchen to cook simple and delicious dishes under the host’s guidance. Each episode, children can not only master the basic cooking skills but also follow the host to learn about the food source of the ingredients.
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  • Island Escapade

    Island Escapade

    You may know about Pulau Tekong, Palau Ubin and Sentosa Island, but do you know Singapore has how many offshore islands? The show will introduce the different offshore islands around Singapore to audience in an entertaining way, which is through the character Robinson and the leads given to him.
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  • It’s All Your Fault !

    It’s All Your Fault !

    is a light-hearted short series bringing you the daily shenanigans of different racial families, and how their lives get intertwined together in one estate. The series hopes to send out the message on the importance of racial harmony in Singapore, and why we should all learn to embrace one another's culture and differences. An unhappy TV producer facing his midlife crisis, unintentionally creates a network channel by chance and succeeds in making a series of live programs based on numerous neighbourhood disputes. He gets caught up in the fame and loses himself. He resorts to fabricating fake cases, as an effort to continue high viewership. It ends badly and he has to suffer the consequences but with help from his colleagues, he pulls himself together and produces a live show that builds on Kampung Spirit Community and changes his own fate.
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